> WaterWise
> WaterWise Art Contest - World
Water Day 2005 |
Dadex organized an art competition titled,
‘WaterWise Art Contest’ for
children in Karachi recently. The top three
winners from two age groups were awarded
prizes and certificates in a colourful prize
distribution ceremony held at Marriott Hotel
in Karachi on 20th of March 2005.
Over 60 leading schools participated in
the contest and more than 1,500 individual
entries were received from students of the
participating schools. The contest invited
children between the ages of 08-10 years
and 11-13 years to paint posters on themes
that included: ‘Water for Life’
and ‘Let’s conserve together’
respectively. Over 150 people attended the
event which included the top 50 contestants,
school principals, diplomats, literary figures
and members of the press.
Judges included Ms. Arshia Qadir, Group
Art Director- Jang Group of Newspapers,
Dr. Ejaz Ahmed, Deputy Director General–WWF
(Pakistan), Dr. Abdul Latif Rao, Country
Representative-IUCN and noted artist Feica.
Top 50 entries were displayed at the event
which was evaluated by the judges. The paintings
successfully highlighted how life revolves
around water, how Pakistan’s water
supply is being polluted, and what can be
done for a more WaterWise Pakistan.
The Chief Guest on the occasion was Mr.
Shamsul Haq Memon, Secretary of Environment,
Government of Sindh who stressed on the
need to educate the young about global environmental
issues. The key note address was made by
Mr. Doughlas Rohn, Consul General of U.S.A
on the occasion.
The art contest was supported by the World
Wide Fund for Nature – Pakistan.
Dadex has been promoting the cause of water
conservation for the past two years in Pakistan
through active advertising of public service
messages in the newspapers and magazines
and sponsoring related events.
Speaking at the occasion Mr. Maqbool H.
H. Rahimtoola, Chairman-Dadex explained
that Dadex hopes to strengthen the concept
of water conservation further in times to
come and link it up with the company’s
efforts to promote corporate social responsibility
in the corporate sector.