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Welcome to www.dadex.com. This web site is owned and operated by Dadex Eternit Ltd. Your use of this website is strictly subject to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to all these conditions, you must discontinue using this website immediately. By using and accessing the website you indicate your agreement with the terms and conditions. For the purposes of these terms and conditions, "this web site" means www.dadex.com.

All the materials and contents of the web site are protected by the Copyright Law. Dadex Eternit Ltd., owns all copyrights unless otherwise stated. Without prior written consent of Dadex Eternit Ltd., any content from the web site shall not be copied, distributed, photocopied, played, linked or transmitted with super-links, loaded into other servers in "mirroring method", stored in information retrieval systems and / or used for any other commercial purpose by any person in any means, unless otherwise download or printed for non-commercial and individual use (under the condition that revision shall not be made and the copyright statements or other ownership statements in the materials shall be reserved).

All trademarks and logos used and showed in Dadex Eternit Ltd.'s web site are owned by Dadex Eternit Ltd. unless otherwise stated. None of the contents covered in Dadex Eternit Ltd.'s web site shall be considered granting the permission or rights of using any of the above-mentioned trademark and logo in implicit, unopposed or any other way without prior written consent of Dadex Eternit Ltd. No one may use Dadex Eternit Ltd.'s name, trademarks and logos in any way without prior written consent.

Personal details provided to Dadex Eternit Ltd. through this web site will only be used in accordance with our privacy policy. Please read this carefully before going on. By providing your personal details to us you are consenting to its use in accordance with our privacy policy.

Dadex Eternit Ltd., respects each individual's right to personal privacy. We will collect and use information through our web site only in the ways disclosed in this, statement. This statement applies solely to information collected at Dadex Eternit Ltd.'s web site.

Our web server collects and saves the default information customarily logged by World Wide Web server software. The following general data that is not personally identifiable information is collected:
  • Page Hits, Page Views, Visitor Sessions
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We only collect personally identified information if the web site user provides this to us via emails, surveys or the queries and feedback form. All mandatory information is marked clearly in such cases, while other fields are optional. This information is necessary to allow us to contact users in response to their request.

We may contact users with regards to our offers, product releases and corporate activities. However, users will have the option to opt out of this at any time.

Nothing in these Conditions shall exclude or limit our liability:
  • for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence;
  • for fraudulent misrepresentation; or
  • to the extent that liability cannot by law be excluded or limited.
Subject always to clause
  • the Website is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any representation or endorsement. Unless specified in separate terms and conditions related to a particular product or service, all warranties, conditions and guarantees relating to the Website or products and services offered on the Website by us or on behalf, whether express or implied by law, statute, course of dealing or otherwise, including but not limited to, implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, accuracy, condition or completeness are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law;
  • while we will use all reasonable endeavours to prevent viruses or bugs on the Website, we will not be liable to you for any loss suffered as a result of any virus or bug you incur as a result of accessing or using the Website. It is incumbent on you to use virus checking software. We will not be responsible or liable to you for any loss of content or material as a result of uploading to or downloading from the Website; and
  • we will not be liable to you, in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise in connection with the Website or products or services offered on the Website by us or on our behalf for:
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    • any special or indirect or consequential losses.
Disclaimer and Indemnity:
All information provided contained on the web site is given in good faith. The user should however check specific information such as product information prior to its usage. Whilst containing its program for continuous development, Dadex reserves the right to modify or extend any published information without any prior notification. No responsibility can be accepted for any error, omissions or incorrect assumptions. All the information and comments provided on this web site are for general information only and should not be used or relied upon as a substitute for legal, financial or other expert advice. We disclaim all liability and responsibility. Including any negligence, for any direct or indirect loss or damage suffered by any person arising out of any use of the web site.

This web site may include links to external web sites. When you follow such links the external web site may appear as a full screen or in some cases it may appear within the frame of this web site. Where an external web site appears within the frame of this web site, this is purely for ease of navigation back to this web site and does not indicate any responsibility on our part for the external web site concerned. These links are provided in order to help you find relevant web sites, services and/or products which may be of interest to you quickly and easily. It is your responsibility to decide whether any services and/or products available through any of these web sites are suitable for your purposes. Dadex Eternit Ltd. is not responsible for the owners or operators of these web sites or for any goods or services they supply or for the content of their web sites and does not give or enter into any conditions, warranties or other terms or representations in relation to any of these or accept any liability in relation to any of these (including any liability arising out of any claim that the content of any external web site to which this web site includes a link infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party).

Dadex Eternit Ltd., will not share any information collected from its web site with any third parties, unless it's required for law enforcement or statute.

Dadex Eternit Ltd. will not take responsibility for the contents posted on third party web sites. There are certain links that are posted on our web site in connection with some of the services undertaken from them. However, we will not take any responsibility of any information posted on those web sites.

All information or advice provided as part of this web site is intended to be general in nature and you should not rely on it in connection with the making of any decision. Dadex Eternit Ltd. tries to ensure that all information provided as part of this web site is correct at the time of inclusion on the web site but does not guarantee the accuracy of such information. Dadex Eternit Ltd. is not liable for any action you may take as a result of relying on such information or advice or for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of you taking this action.

Terms of Use
Dadex Eternit Ltd. may change the terms and conditions and disclaimer set out above from time to time. By browsing this web site you are accepting that you are bound by the current terms and conditions and disclaimer and so you should check these each time you revisit the site.

Terms of use and privacy policy may vary or alter without any prior notification. We reserve the rights of altering the contents of this policy.

Complaint Procedure
If you have a question or complaint about this web site, please contact the Webmaster at: webmaster@dadex.com

This agreement is governed by the law in force in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan with exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Karachi.

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Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
Last Updated on 24/06/2024