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  Elections of Directors  

In accordance with the requirement of section 159 of the Companies Act, 2017, elections of Directors will be held on Thursday, October 26, 2023 at the 64th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in Karachi.

The Board have fixed the number of directors to be elected at seven (07) for a period of three (03) years commencing from the date of Annual General Meeting. The names of the retiring Directors are as follows:

1 Mr. Sikander Dada

Mr. Abu Talib H.K. Dada

3 Mr. Shahzad M. Husain
4 Mr. Maqbool H.H. Rahimtoola
5 Mr. Syed Shahid Ali Bukhari
6 Mrs. Ayesha Tariq Allawala
7 Mrs. Amber Ahmed Motiwala

The retiring Directors are eligible for re-election.

The Company is required to have at least two or one-third members of the Board, whichever is higher as independent directors and one female director on its board in accordance with the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulation, 2019.

Our valued shareholders who intends to contest the election of directors are requested to send a notice of intention to offer for election as a director u/s 159 of the Companies Act, 2017 along with a brief profile atleast 14 days before the date of Annual General Meeting.

Election of Directors

Sample form of intention to offer for election and related documents are available for download.

(Muhammad Yousuf)

Company Secretary



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